Friday, April 7, 2017

10 best digital marketing tools.

When it comes to acquiring target audience, it is extremely essential to know few tools which can improve your social media social success, search results success, and drive forward your email campaigns and general marketing efforts. Embark in the success of digital marketing using the following tools.
  GetResponse:  The first tool that can be resourceful for your business is GetResponse. This particular tool can be completely effective when you want to produce emails, webinars, landing page, marketing automation.  The best thing about this particular tool is that it provides varieties of services. One can do email marketing and at the same time create landing pages, track visitors, view website analytics, edit images, conduct online surveys and set auto-responders. This can make your business easier to get the response.
 •    Google Analytics: When you start your blog, you should keep a track on what keywords are driving more traffic or where from your visitors are coming, which page of your website is more popular etc. Well, rightly said, if you want to know everything about your traffic, install Google analytics which is an amazing tool that will yield in-depth knowledge about your visitor.
     Yoast SEO: SEO optimized content can bring more traffic, help to improve your SERPs. If you want to improve your SERPs, then you should not fail to download Yoast SEO. If your website is built in Wordpress, download Yoast SEO to get optimized content.
•    Ahrefs: Knowing how many backlinks are pointing to you website or which keyword is driving more traffic, how and what your competitors are doing can be all found using this online tool which can help marketing easier like never before.
•    Semrush: This is a powerful digital marketing tool which can help you choose the right keywords in a wise way. If you’re interested in learning more about your competitors, use this tool to find the top ranking content for any keyword.
•    Hootsuite: If you want to manage all your social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, twitter from one single platform-HootSuite is the right place. Hootsuite features the following and makes digital marketing lot easier. Hootsuite provides you the facility to schedule your social media posts for later or to post to all social media sites within a matter of seconds. Track interaction and engagement from your twitter users, Facebook users, and other social network users is also available in Hootsuite.
•    Mailchimp: This is yet another great tool for digital marketers which can help you send bulk emails, connect your e-commerce store and sell products online.
•    Tableau Public: This phenomenal tool provides you a simple way to create graphs and data visualization without hiring mathematician or statisticians. Tableau Public is a free app which allows you to plug in your data and instantly produce beautiful visual representations.
•    Sidekick: If you could track your audience and know who is opening your emails, when, where and how many times- it would be great isn’t it? Sidekick is the right tool which will provide the solution to all your demands. This is one of the best digital marketing tools which can bring profound effect on your blog.
•    Pixlr: Hiring a graphic designer will definitely cost you a huge amount. But if you build the same designs using some online tool with affordable prices won’t that be great? Welcome to Pixlr which will help you design graphics, edit photos and tweak images for free.